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COVID-19 – Here’s What You Need

This is installment #8 of our "Stop the Spread" series.
In the previous seven posts, we've covered a wide range of topics. As the landscape has changed, product availability has continued to fluctuate. We're offering a recap of our previous posts and updates on the changing supply chain. All of our previous posts can be found here.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, inventory status is rapidly changing.
Shared Workspaces and Shared Equipment
Installment 2 looked at some of the areas where workers congregate, including bus transports, sign in/sign out stations, lunchrooms, break areas, and office space. In installment 4 we looked at products and equipment that workers share. Cleaning regularly with disinfectant, rags, paper towels, gloves, disposable clothing, and face masks can help prevent the virus from spreading via surfaces.
Social Distancing
Keeping six feet of space between yourself and other individuals has been the CDC’s recommendation since the outbreak of COVID-19. In highly populated areas of the jobsite or small office spaces, this can be difficult. Using barricade chain, marking tape, and custom signs can help direct traffic to minimize interactions. When close interaction cannot be avoided, there are face masks, face shields, gloves, disposable clothing, and hand sanitizer that can help limit the spread.
The CDC has updated its original guidance and now face coverings are recommended to help mitigate the spread of germs. P&I offers both disposable and reusable options to help meet this new guidance.
Equipping Workers
Everyone plays a role in keeping the workplace safe and clean. Installment 3 promoted personal hygiene and dispensing solutions. Washing your hands with soap and water is the best option to prevent contamination, however, this can be difficult on the jobsite. We recommend providing personal flip-top hand sanitizers and creating refill stations with our hand sanitizer refill bottles, pumps, and stands like those introduced in installment 7. These stations can easily be moved around the site!
Considering Alternatives
There are some emergency supplies that are still nearly impossible to find. N95 masks, Purell®, Clorox® disinfectant wipes, and Lysol® spray have been completely depleted from the supply chain and are not expected to be available for months. Fortunately, P&I has options. Consider using some of the alternative products we can offer for masks, hand sanitizer, wipes (limited quantities available), and disinfectant with spray bottles. Using a combination of the CDC/FDA/EPA approved products we recommended in installment 6, you can get your product quickly and be assured of the same results.
Our sales team is on-call to answer any questions and help you find a solution via phone or email. Visit our website for live product inventory.
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