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COVID-19 – Safety at the Workface

This is installment #7 of our "Stop the Spread" series.
Many jobsite crews are now returning to work. In previous posts we’ve covered important parts of that process such as:
In this installment we’ll cover keeping craft safe and productive at the workface — where your workers spend their time and are most likely to come in contact with others. Rather than centralizing necessary product to stop the spread, consider staging it in multiple locations throughout the jobsite where the work is happening. This will cut down on waiting in lines, long trips back to the tool room, and ultimately keep folks safe and productive.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, inventory status is rapidly changing.
Personal Hygiene
Jobsites have always provided workers with places to wash their hands, but now the typical set up may not be enough. To ensure that sanitation options are close at hand, consider using a quickly deployable and movable solution. P&I is offering several options of hand sanitizer stands that fit our most popular and available hand sanitizer. Depending on the stand, these can be set up and torn down in just seconds and moved as necessary to ensure direct access from the workface.
Tools & Equipment
Sharing tools within a team is not uncommon on the jobsite. While tools may be disinfected at the toolroom on a regular basis (see installment #5), not every tool makes it back to the toolroom at the end of each day. These shared tools should still be disinfected regularly. Consider equipping tool gang boxes in the field with products to encourage regular cleaning, such as custom signage or disinfecting wipes (limited quantities available). For now disinfectant wipes are still hard to find, but there are plenty of options for disinfectants with spray bottles, sprayers, shop rags, and paper towels. Personal hand sanitizer will also be important.
Social Distancing
Social distancing is the on-going recommendation from the CDC. A bad situation will only get worse if someone with the virus spreads it through the rest of the ranks. Custom signage, marking tapes, and barricade chains can help keep people separated. But when they can’t always avoid close interaction, there are reusable face masks, disposable face masks, shields, gloves, disposable clothing, and hand sanitizer that can all help to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Cleaning PPE
PPE is something no worker can go without, but with COVID-19, some are concerned about donning PPE that may be soiled from previous use. P&I has been collaborating with our customers on the various ways to protect workers out in the field. At some jobsites, that has included a total refresh of all PPE and a reissue of new product. In other instances, We have seen the implementation of rigorous cleaning and disinfecting programs. This has included using P&I’s harness washing program. We’ve washed thousands of harnesses and would be happy to help your site at one of our local branches. Contact P&I to discuss our capabilities to support your PPE cleaning or replacement needs.
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