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COVID-19 – When Workers are Sick

This is installment #4 of our "Stop the Spread" series.
Whether at home or at work, it is possible that one or more of your employees will contract the Coronavirus. Particularly worrisome is how long the individual may have been sick before showing symptoms, and how easily infection is transmitted to others. This is why diligence in the new processes discussed in other installments of this series are so crucial.
But what happens when an employee reports COVID-like symptoms?
Basic guidelines from the CDC:
- Employees with symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) should notify supervisor and stay home.
- The employee should follow the CDC advice for when you are sick.
Employees should not return to work until the CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation are met, in consultation with healthcare providers and state and local health departments.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, inventory status is rapidly changing.
Disinfect Areas and Equipment
Even with regularly scheduled disinfection, extra precaution and action can help to mitigate the spread when a worker exhibits symptoms. Be sure your organization or jobsite has procedures in place and products available to organize additional cleaning.
Disinfect Shared Tools
Some equipment may include shared tools. Be sure this product is disinfected properly before returning to the toolroom for reissue. Assess the need to purchase additional inventory so that productivity isn't limited if certain tools must be taken out of service for cleaning. Finally, consider tracking tools to ensure that any items taken out of service get the proper attention before being brought back into service.
Planning For Return
Someone who has contracted the Coronavirus will likely be off work for some time. Based on those they interacted with while still working, groups or waves of workers may return simultaneously. When they return, be prepared with any applicable tools, equipment, and consumables they may need to restart work. This may include new PPE such as vests, hard hats, gloves and more. As a best practice, consider issuing new items when feasible.
P&I carries all the items craft workers wear, hold, or consume in a day. We can help set up a "return to work" kit for each of your craft types. Just contact our sales team using the info below.
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